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Biggest Countries in the World: List of Top 10 Largest Countries in the World by Area

The world's largest countries are a tapestry of diverse landscapes, cultures and histories, woven together by 195 recognized countries. But among this vibrant patchwork, a select few stand out for their sheer size.

Biggest Countries in the World: These largest countries, contain cosmic ecosystems, diverse communities, and unique challenges but still stand tall and strong. Let’s explore the biggest countries in the world and their captivating landmass.

World’s Biggest Countries – Rank & Total Area

Rank Largest Countries Country Total Area (km²) Percentage of Earth’s Area
1 Russia 17,098,242 11.52%
2 Canada 9,984,670 6.73%
3 United States 9,833,517 6.54%
4 China 9,596,961 6.31%
5 Brazil 8,515,779 5.74%
6 Australia 7,741,220 5.18%
7 India 3,287,590 2.21%
8 Argentina 2,780,400 1.87%
9 Kazakhstan 2,724,902 1.84%
10 Algeria 2,381,741 1.6%

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  1. Russia: The Eurasian Colossus (17,098,242 sq km)

Biggest Country in the World
Russia – Biggest Country in the World

Home to over 144 million people, Russia ranks #1 with a staggering 17 million square kilometres area, reigning mightily as one of the world’s largest country.

From the snow-capped peaks of the Caucasus Mountains to the verdant taiga forests of Siberia, its borders spread across 11 time zones, encompassing a mind-boggling array of terrains,

  1. Canada: Nature’s Playground (9,984,670 sq km)

Biggest Country in the World
Toronto City Skyline

With a population of just over 38 million, Canada offers breathtaking natural beauty, occupying a massive landmass exceeding 9.9 million square kilometers.

Tagged as one of the second-largest countries in the world, its undying expanse contains gigantic mountains, unspoiled lakes, extensive prairies, and rugged coastlines.

  1. United States: A Melting Pot of Majesty (9,833,517 sq km)

Biggest Countries in the World
United States of America

With 330 million people, the United States is a nation built on the dreams of immigrants and the spirit of exploration, takes the bronze medal with its 9.8 million square kilometres, being the third-largest country in the word.

From the sun-drenched beaches of California to the towering skyscrapers of New York City, the US landscape is a kaleidoscope of contrasts.

  1. China: The Dragon Awakens (9,596,961 sq km)

Biggest Countries in the World
China – The Great Wall

Being the largest country in the world with a population of 1.4 billion, China is the land of ancient dynasties and cutting-edge technology, boasting the world’s fourth largest landmass at 9.6 million square kilometers. Its diverse terrain encompasses arid deserts, lush rice paddies, towering mountain ranges, and bustling megacities.

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  1. Brazil: Amazonian Emerald (8,515,770 sq km)

Biggest Countries in the World
Brazil Sky View

With over 210 million people, Brazil is the land of rounds out the top five with its 8.5 million square kilometers of land and forests. Being one the largest nations by land area, its enormous region is home to one of the planet’s most biodiverse ecosystems, the Amazon, home to unique plant and animal life.

Brazil’s cultural scene is as vibrant as its landscapes, boasting a rich blend of indigenous traditions, Portuguese influences, and modern Afro-Brazilian rhythms.

  1. Australia: Great Southern Land (7,741,220 km²)

Biggest Countries in the World
Australia Skyline

As the world’s sixth-largest country, Australia is made up of diverse landscapes, ranging from iconic arid deserts to lush rainforests. Home to kangaroos, koalas, and the rare platypus, the continent’s country prides is a rich biodiversity.

Its major cities Sydney and Melbourne, showcase modern architecture and cultural heritage, showcasing the world’s largest developed cities, listing it as one of the biggest countries in the world.

  1. India: The Incredible One (3,287,263 km²)

Biggest Countries in the World
India – Largest Country

Home to the world’s second-largest population, India spreads from the breathtaking landscapes of the Himalayan peaks to the warm shores of the Indian Ocean.

Known as one of the world’s largest countries, India is steeped with ancient civilizations, beautiful temples, and architectural wonders like the Taj Mahal. Prominent for its gastronomic delights, exciting festivals, and the world of cinema, India never fails to enchant visitors with its vibrant spirit.

  1. Argentina: The White and Sky Blue (2,780,400 km²)

Biggest Countries in the World

From the Andes Mountains to the vast pampas and the stunning Patagonian region, Argentina is the eighth-largest country in the world that captivates visitors with its assorted landscapes, culture, and communities.

Buenos Aires, its pulsating capital, is a cultural hub known for tango, architecture, and rich history. The gigantic landscapes also comprise of iconic landmarks like the Iguazu Falls and the Perito Moreno Glacier, attracting nature enthusiasts.

  1. Kazakhstan: Land of Great Steppe (2,724,900 km²)

Biggest Countries in the World
Kazakhstan Skyline

As the world’s largest landlocked country, Kazakhstan spans across rugged landscapes of Central Asia. Renowned for its diverse topography, it contains the rugged Altai Mountains and the world’s largest inland body of water, the Caspian Sea.

Astana, also called as Nur-Sultan, is the capital city that shows architecture alongside the country’s rich cultural heritage. Its strategic location and abundant natural resources contribute to its significance on the global stage.

  1. Algeria: The Peninsula (2,381,740 km²)

Biggest Countries in the World
Seaside Boulevard in Algiers, the capital of Algeria. North Africa

Algeria is the largest country on the continent and the 10th largest in the world situated in North Africa. Its landscape spreads from the Sahara Desert to the Atlas Mountains.

Algiers, the capital, gained independence in 1962 and since then has reflected a rich cultural heritage influenced by Arab, Berber, and French histories, developing in hydrocarbon resources, particularly natural gas and oil.

These are just a glimpse into the biggest countries in the world, each holding a unique story, shaped by their innovations, varied populations, and rich histories. Stay tuned for further explorations of these fascinating giants, and prepare to be amazed by the wonders they hold!

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