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Physics – Universal Law Of Gravitation


Gravity was a subject of fascination for the Greeks. Greek scientists believed that the intention of objects to rise or fall is according to the nature of those objects. Rocks and shows fell while smoke and hot air rose. They coined the word gravity, which means heavy, attributing the properties to the objects.

In 1666, Sir Isaac Newton had a far clearer understanding of gravity when he watched an apple fall. He explained that the objects fall because the earth attracts them and hypothesized that the force on the apple is equal to its mass. He combined the force of attraction law and the third law of motion to create a new theory called the universal law of gravitation.

What Is Newton’s Universal Law Of Gravitation?

Newton’s Universal Law of Gravitation states that two masses have an equal attractive force between them. This force, acting along the line joining the two masses is inversely proportional to the distance between the masses.

Universal Law Of Gravitation Formula

In theory, Newton’s law of gravitation defines the force exerted by the masses as equal. It is a product of the two masses inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them.

F = GM1M2 /r2

Here, F is the gravitational force between the masses

G is the universal gravitational constant G = 6.673 x 10-11 N m2/kg2

M1 and M2 are the masses of two bodies.

Importance Of The Universal Law Of Gravitation

The Universal Law of Gravitation explains movements in the universe. You can explain how an apple falls from a tree using this theory of Newton. You can also go out of space and explain why the moon revolves in such as way around the earth. This law is useful in studying planetary motions and orbits.

The universal law of gravitation precisely explains why the moon does not fall and crash into earth. The moon resolves in a constant orbit around the earth due to gravity and speed. Even though the moon is attracted to the earth through gravity, it still manages to float away from the earth due to gravity.

Despite all the efforts to better understand gravity, the theory explains why objects move in the way they move on the earth. However, no information is available on how gravity exists.

Controversies Surrounding The Universal Law Of Gravitation

Scientists’ findings are questioned, disapproved, and rejected before they are accepted globally. In the Universal Law of Gravitation theory, Newton faced tough competition from Hooke. His inverse square law is closely associated with Newton’s explanation of the law of gravitation.

However, Newton was not interested in crediting Hooke as one of the authors. He claimed that his idea came from Boerilli’s book, which tries to explain the planets’ centrifugal tendency.

Implications Of The Universal Law Of Gravitation

The Universal Law of Gravitation is an important theory, but it still leaves many unexplained puzzles. Physics experts still cannot identify the exact relationship between fundamental and gravitational forces. Newton, too expressed that his theory doesn’t provide any insight into inexplicable action at a distance.

By Newton’s theory, the gravitational force is transmitted immediately. However, there is a propagation delay in gravitational force, which may result in unstable positioning of stellar and planetary orbits.

Regarding astronomical observations and calculations, Einstein’s theory of relativity makes more sense than Newton’s Universal Law of Gravitation. Newton’s theory can also be used to explain the apsidal motion of the moon.

The n-Body Problem

The n-body problem is a classical problem involving how celestial objects interact using individual motions and gravitational forces. Following Newton’s theory, the two-body problem is solved completely.

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Universal Law Of Gravitation FAQs

Why is the Universal Law Of Gravitation called Universal?

Even though Newton developed this theory to understand the gravitational attraction between earth's objects, the theory applies to the whole universe. Any spatial body, such as the sun, moon, etc., also has a mass and exerts a force on other objects. As the theory can be applied universally, it is called the universal law of gravitation. 

Is there gravity in space?

Yes, gravity is everywhere in the solar system in every galaxy. It is responsible for the plants to revolve in orbits. 

Is the gravity value, ‘G’ the same anywhere on the earth?

No, there is a slight variation in gravity value G on different places on the earth. G is larger at the equator and smaller at the poles. 

What is the difference between Einstein’s and Newton’s gravity theory?

According to Einstein's theory of gravity, objects move freely on earth in curved space-time. The mass and energy of the objects create this curvature. Newton’s theory focuses on the force of attraction between two objects.

What is the value of gravity at centre of the earth?

At the centre of the earth gravity is zero..



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