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Uniform and Non-uniform motion


An object is said to be in motion if the position of the object changes in a given time with respect to its surroundings. Motion can be of different types. It mainly depends upon the type of path followed by the object. For example- if the object is moving in a circular path the motion is circular or circulatory motion.

Types of motion

In our everyday life, we see different types of motions of living and non-living things. Sometimes we observe a circular or a linear path of the object in motion. Sometimes we see an object moving with a constant speed in a fixed interval of time while sometimes the speed or the time is not constant.

Based on the path followed by the object, the motion can be of three types:

  1. Circular motion: Circular motion is also known as circulatory motion. If the object is moving in a circular path the motion is circulatory motion.
  2. Linear motion: A motion is said to be linear motion if the object is moving along a straight line path.
  3. Oscillatory motion: When an object follows a to-and-fro path with respect to its origin, the motion of the object is said to be oscillatory motion.

Based on the speed and time travelled by the object, the motion can be classified into two types:

  1. Uniform motion
  2. Non-uniform motion

Uniform Motion

  • Uniform motion is a type of motion in which the object covers equal distances in equal intervals of time. Or, when a body covers an equal distance in an equal interval of time then the motion of the body is said to be uniform motion.
  • Usually, when a body is in uniform motion it travels in a straight line with uniform speed, that is, the velocity of the body remains constant throughout equal distances in equal intervals of time.
  • We can understand uniform motion by drawing a position time graph.
  • Uniform motion is represented by a straight line on a position time graph.

Examples of uniform motion

  • The rotation and revolution of the earth
  • Movement of the hands of a clock.
  • Movement of blades of a ceiling fan

Non-uniform motion

  • Non-uniform motion is a type of motion in which the object does not cover equal distances in equal intervals of time or equal distances in unequal intervals of time.
  • When an object travels at a varied speed,  the motion of the object is said to be non-uniform motion.
  • Non-uniform motion is also referred to as an accelerated motion.
  • Non-uniform motion can be of two types—accelerated motion and de-accelerated motion.
  • When the motion of a body increases with respect to an unequal interval of time the motion is said to be an accelerated motion.
  • When the motion of the body decreases with respect to an unequal interval of time the motion is said to be de-accelerated motion.

Examples of non-uniform motion

  • The motion of a car on a busy road
  • The motion of a train
  • If a bus covers 10 meters in the first three seconds and 15 meters in the next three seconds.

Differences between uniform and non-uniform motion

  • The uniform motion is usually similar to the actual speed of the object whereas the non-uniform motion is different from the actual speed of the object.
  • Uniform motion has zero acceleration whereas non-uniform motion has non-zero acceleration.
  • In uniform motion, the object covers equal distances in equal intervals of time whereas, in non-uniform motion, the object covers unequal distances in equal intervals of time or equal distances in unequal intervals of time.

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Uniform and Non-uniform motion FAQs

Write any three examples of uniform motion.

Three examples of uniform motion are as follows:

The rotation and revolution of the earth
Movement of the hands of a clock.
Movement of blades of a ceiling fan

Write any three examples of non-uniform motion.

Three examples of non-uniform motion are:

The motion of a car on a busy road
The motion of a train
If a bus covers 10 meters in the first three seconds and 15 meters in the next three seconds.

Write any two differences between uniform and non-uniform motion.

The two differences between uniform and non-uniform motion are as follows:

Uniform motion has zero acceleration whereas non-uniform motion has non-zero acceleration.
In uniform motion, the object covers equal distances in equal intervals of time whereas, in non-uniform motion, the object covers unequal distances in equal intervals of time or equal distances in unequal intervals of time.

What are the two types of non-uniform motion?

Non-uniform motion can be of two types—accelerated motion and de-accelerated motion.

When the motion of a body increases with respect to an unequal interval of time the motion is said to be an accelerated motion.
When the motion of the body decreases with respect to an unequal interval of time the motion is said to be de-accelerated motion.

Classify motion based on the path followed by the object.

Based on the path followed by the object, the motion can be of three types:

Circular motion: Circular motion is also known as circulatory motion. If the object is moving in a circular path the motion is circulatory motion.
Linear motion: A motion is said to be linear motion if the object is moving along a straight line path. 
Oscillatory motion: When an object follows a to-and-fro path with respect to its origin, the motion of the object is said to be oscillatory motion.




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