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CBSE Class 12th Physics Exam Preparation Tips For Students

Introduction: CBSE Class 12th Physics Exam Preparation Tips

Board exams are just around the corner, so are you ready for your finals? There is a chance that the CBSE class 12 Physics board exam will be held first. During this time, students are primarily concerned with finishing up their last-minute revisions and making the most of their study time. To remain competitive, it’s important to brush up on skills.

So, check out the tips and score perfect marks in the CBSE class 12th Physics board exam.

Overview: Class 12 Physics

The study of physics is a fascinating one. The reason for this is that it is useful in real-life situations. Even though theoretical and numerical sections may seem to be a bit more detailed and time-consuming, once students understand the principles they will be able to enjoy studying physics more.

To help students succeed on the CBSE Physics board exam 2023, we have compiled some tips:

Tips for Scoring Perfect Marks in CBSE Class 12th Physics Board Exam

Understand your course syllabus

It is important to understand the syllabus and prepare accordingly when preparing for the board exam. This step helps better in creating a timetable and managing the syllabus. The syllabus includes conceptual, derivatives, and numerical. Based on the students’ understanding the sections should be prioritized.

Never Ignore Important Topics

Students tend to skip certain topics when studying because they find them difficult to understand. We advise against skipping topics because one concept is linked to another. Skipping topics causes gaps in learning that are difficult to close. If a topic is difficult to grasp, seek the assistance of teachers and friends.

Have concept clarity

Concept clarity is important to clearly understand physics. They need to know exactly what every law means and they need to be able to use the laws to solve problems.

Practice Derivations

Derivations are one of the most important factors in determining a student’s physics grade. As a result, students must understand how each step in derivations leads to the next. They should meticulously practise derivations because it is extremely scoring. 

Practice Numericals 

The only way to get a high grade in physics is to excel in the numerical section. Students who are afraid of numbers should devote time to learning them. For a better understanding of the exam pattern and types of questions, they must solve multiple numerical problems from previous year’s papers and mock tests.

Study with NCERT textbook

NCERT is the authoritative text for CBSE boards and competitive exams such as NEET and JEE. You must finish your NCERT theory. Complete all of the NCERT in-text questions and exercises. Another important resource not to be overlooked is NCERT Exemplar.

Syllabus division by topic

Students should divide the syllabus based on their strengths and weaknesses. To catch up in math and numbers should concentrate on theoretical chapters like electromagnetic waves, the dual nature of radiation and matter, atoms, nuclei, and wave optics. Also, study and divide the syllabus based on the number of marks assigned to each chapter.

Start Self-assessment

Self-assessment is the most effective way to prepare for any exam. The most common way to assess exam readiness is to solve physics class 12 sample question papers and take mock tests. After completing one paper, students must allow time for self-evaluation and work on areas that require improvement. If they are still unsure, they should contact their teachers right away. 

Furthermore, a few general tips should be followed by every student, especially when preparing for the CBSE class 12th Physics board exam.

Preparation Tips for CBSE Class 12th Physics

  • For students to begin their studies, NCERT books should always be used. Prioritize NCERT books and then refer to other reference books afterwards.
  • For any doubts, students should consult experts and lecturers.
  • Practising numerical equations helps students apply the formulas correctly and aids in conceptual understanding.
  • Make a topic-by-topic list of formulae and revise it daily.
  • To succeed in the physics exam, you must begin studying mathematics early and practice problems regularly.
  • A good tip is to always acknowledge the units of measurement whenever necessary, especially when solving numerical problems.
  • To achieve a high score on any exam, students must practice the previous year’s exam questions.
  • Long-answer questions carry more weight, so pay closer attention to them. 

FAQs: CBSE Class 12th Physics Exam Preparation Tips

Q1: Can I get a perfect score in CBSE class 12 Physics?

A: Getting a perfect score in physics is difficult, and it takes a lot of practice and revision, as well as sincere efforts. Students must practise regularly and adhere to their study schedule. Last-minute CBSE physics class 12 preparation will not help you score a perfect 100.

Q1: What is the most important topic in physics?

A: In physics, Newton’s Third Law is one of the most important topics. Newton’s Law of Motion is composed of three laws that can be used to explain all aspects of motion.

Q2: With important topics how can I pass the class 12 Physics exam?

A: With these tips, you can succeed in the class 12 Physics board exam:

  • Examine the CBSE Physics syllabus.
  • Divide the syllabus into sections based on the importance of the topics.
  • Choose the most important topics first.
  • Highlight the key points.
  • Students should always carry a notebook with them for on-the-go revision.

Q3: For the 12th Physics exam, what are the important units to study?

A: A list of each important chapter is provided below:

  • Unit 1: Electrostatics
  • Unit 2: Current Electricity
  • Unit 3: Magnetic Effects of Magnetism and Current
  • Unit 4: Electromagnetic Induction and Alternating Currents
  • Unit 5: Electromagnetic Waves
  • Unit 6: Optics
  • Unit 7: Dual Nature of Matter and Radiation
  • Unit 8: Atoms and Nuclei
  • Unit 9: Electronic Devices
  • Unit 10: Communication System

Q4: What is the easiest chapter in Physics 12?

A: These are some of the most basic chapters in 12th-grade Physics.

  • Alternating Current
  • Particle nature of light
  • Dual Nature of light
  • EMW
  • Current Electricity
  • Logic gates
  • Magnetic properties
  • Communication System

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