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CBSE Class 11th Physics Exam Preparation Tips For Students

CBSE Class 11th Physics Exam Preparation Tips and Tricks for Students: These CBSE Class 11 Physics tips will help them complete their syllabus and perform well in the exams.

CBSE Class 11th Physics Exam Preparation Tips: Schooling is an important part of life since it gives a chance to children to acquire knowledge in various fields of education, such as people, literature, history, mathematics, politics, and other numerous subjects.

Class 11th plays a crucial role in the life of students as it is a new phase in the life of a student and one has to decide what he/she wants to become in the future. One has to choose the stream in class 11th and the correct combination of subjects. If one opts for medical or non-medical then physics is one of the main subjects one has to study for 2 years in school. 

Importance of Physics in Class 11th

Physics is one of the important subjects in classes 11th and 12th for the students who opt for the science stream. A deep study of this subject enhances the logical thinking and analytical skills of the students. Class 11th lays the foundation for the competitive exams one has to appear in if he/she wants to become a doctor or engineer. Physics has a 25% weightage in the NEET exam while in JEE mains exam it has a 1/3rd weightage. 

Being serious about studies

One should be serious about the studies particularly when he/she is in class 11th. Physics requires a depth understanding of the fundamentals and one should not just memorise the syllabus because it will end up in disappointment. One should start studying seriously from the very first day when he/she enters the 11th class. Consistency is the key and one has to study regularly to avoid overburdening at the time of exams.


The Exam Pattern

One should know the exam pattern of the syllabus for better coverage of the syllabus. The exam pattern in the class 11 exams is similar to the 12th standard board exam in terms of the question-wise breakup of marks, the choices in the paper, the question-wise breakup of marks, and the number of questions. The exam pattern of the CBSE Class 11 Physics exam is given below: 

  • Five very short answer-type questions each carrying one mark,
  • 5 short answer-type questions each carrying two marks,
  • 5 short answer-type questions each carrying three marks,
  • 1 value-based question carrying 4 marks and 
  • 3 long answer type questions each carrying five marks.
  • The total number of questions is 26 and the maximum marks are 70. Students should thoroughly understand the exam pattern and the syllabus before the examination.

Students should focus on every topic to secure good marks in the exam. But they must also give extra attention to all the important topics which have more weightage in the exam and are important for the understanding of the subject. Some important topics of physics class 11 are:

  • Kinematics
  • Work, Energy, and Power
  • Thermal Properties of Matter
  • Rotational Motion
  • Thermodynamics
  • Kinetic Theory
  • Gravitation
  • Laws of Motion
  • Waves
  • Students should give extra time to these topics as they can help them score more marks.

Prepare an effective Time Table

Time management is very crucial in the life of a student. One has to prepare an effective timetable. Just preparing a timetable is not enough, one has to follow the timetable to succeed. One should not ignore his/her health while preparing the timetable. One should get a minimum of 6 hours of sleep to stay healthy. 

 Reading between the lines

Just memorizing the syllabus is not the key to scoring good marks and it will end up in disappointment. Physics requires a depth understanding of the fundamentals so one has to read between the lines. If you have a good memory and are exceptional at memorizing things, you may end up doing well in physics exams But it will not be good for competitive exams. If you have a strong foundation, it will help you in the long run like when you will appear in any competitive exam you will realize the importance of in-depth knowledge of the subject.

Prepare Good Notes

Students should prepare neat and clean notes. Notes play a crucial role as one can revise the syllabus in less time by revision his/her notes. Notes should be understandable and not much large. Good notes must consist of important points, definitions, formulae, things to remember, etc. and these notes must be checked time and again to refresh and revise important concepts and formulae. One can have a separate notebook to practice numerals as solving numerals is important.

Solve Sample Papers

Before appearing for the examination, make sure that you solve as many sample paper sets as possible because solving sample paper sets offer many benefits. First of all, it will provide you with much-required writing practice and you will learn to manage time during exams. It will also help you identify your weaknesses and a hang of writing the main exam. After solving the sample paper, revise your weak topic thoroughly. 

 Revision is the Key

Revision is as important as understanding the topic. Students must revise all the important topics before the exam to score good marks. Constant revision is very crucial to keep the topics in mind. Revision should be done regularly.

A good revision session before the exam will prove very beneficial for you. One of the main advantages of beginning preparation early is that you will get an ample amount of time for revision.

Proper Diet and Sleep

Students should not ignore their health as a healthy mind stays in a healthy body. Students should sleep for a minimum of six hours and a proper diet is also very necessary for good health. One should eat healthily and sleep on time.


Frequently Asked Questions : CBSE Class 11th Physics Exam Preparation Tips

Question 1: Is physics a tough subject?

Answer: It’s a myth that physics is a tough subject. In fact, it’s an easy and interesting subject and one has to read between the lines to understand it thoroughly. 

Question 2: How can you get full marks in Physics?

Answer: Smart work is the key to success and one has to study regularly and smartly to score full marks in Physics. To get full marks, deep knowledge is necessary.

Question 3: Is time table necessary for the preparation for the Physics exam?

Answer: Time management is very crucial in the life of a student. One has to prepare an effective timetable. Just preparing a timetable is not enough, one has to follow the timetable to succeed. 

Question 4: What are the maximum marks in the class 11th physics exam?

Answer: Maximum marks are 70 in class 11th physics exam.


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