Tuesday, March 11, 2025


Calorimeter deals with the measurement of state of a body with respect to the thermal aspects in order to examine its chemical and physical changes. A calorimeter is the device which is used to detect the temperature of a chemical process or physical difference. It is the field of science which deals with the measurement of the state of a body.


The calorimeter is a physical instrument which is used to measure the heat and its related parameters.

A calorimeter is a device that is used for the measurement of the heat capacity of the material generated during the reaction. The type of reaction can be physical, chemical, or mechanical. The function of the calorimeter is to determine the thermal changes that occurred in the body during the reaction.

Principle of Calorimeter

The principle of calorimetry states that the body at a higher temperature releases the heat and the body at a lower temperature absorbs the heat.

Principle of the Calorimeter follows the law of conservation of energy.

According to this-

Total heat loss by the object at a higher temperature = Total heat absorbed by the object at a lower temperature.

Heat loss = Heat gain

Within a system , Heat transfer can be calculated as-

Q = mc∆t


Q = Heat transfer

m = Mass of body

c = Specific heat capacity

∆t = Change in temperature

Construction of Calorimeter

Calorimeter mainly consists of a metallic vessel made of materials which are good conductors of electricity. For ex. copper and aluminum.

This metallic vessel with a stirrer is kept in an insulating jacket which helps in preventing the heat from escaping to the surrounding environment. It also has one opening through which we can insert a thermometer to measure the change in thermal properties inside the vessel.

Attach diagram here


The sample placed inside the vessel is burned with the help of ignition wires. To ensure that the heat loss by the sample sample is gained by water, the vessel is perfectly insulated to avoid any heat loss. The stirrer helps in uniform heating of water and the rise in temperature of water is measured using a thermometer. Thus using the rise in temperature, specific heat and mass, we can calculate the amount of heat released.

Types of Calorimeter

There are the various type of calorimeter which is given as-

  • Adiabatic Calorimeter
  • Bomb Calorimeter
  • Reaction Calorimeter
  • Constant pressure Calorimeter

Adiabatic Calorimeter

Adiabatic calorimeters are commonly used to evaluate the runtime reactions

Due to the adiabatic environment, heat generation by the fabric test sample will lead to an extension of the sample owing to the increase in temperature, leading to intensification of the reaction.

it does not have the complete adiabatic environment as a certain amount of heat is lost through the sample holder.

Bomb Calorimeter

A bomb is a type of constant-volume calorimeter that measures the heat of combustion of a specific reaction. The fuel is ignited using electrical energy which helps the fuel burn and increases the temperature of the surrounding air. This air on expansion escapes the copper tube which releases the air out of the calorimeter.

The copper tube, which is at high temperature, transfers the heat to the water outside this tube, and this temperature difference helps in identifying the calorie content of the fuel.

Reaction Calorimeter

The calorimeter in which a reaction is processed within a closed insulated container. The heat produced due to reaction is measured, and therefore, the heat content is obtained by integrating heat flow versus time.

Constant Pressure Calorimeter

Constant Pressure Calorimeter is used to calculate the enthalpy change H for various physical and chemical processes.

The quantity of heat transferred in the process can be determined by using the solution’s mass, specific heat, and temperature change.

Application of Calorimeter

  • Calorimeters are used to control the metabolic rates of the human body and simultaneously maintain the temperature of the body.
  • Calorimeter is used to measure the heat of a reaction, it is a crucial part of thermodynamics
  • A calorimeter is used to measure the thermal change of a body

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What is the principle of the Calorimeter?

The heat energy lost by a body at higher temperature is equal to the heat energy gained by the body at lower temperature.

Heat loss = Heat gain

Q = mc∆t

What is a Calorimeter?

Calorimeter is a physical instrument which is used to measure the quantity of heat.

Write the application of Bomb Calorimeter?

Bomb calorimeters are basically used for testing the calorific value of solid and liquid fuels.

Write the value of the heat capacity of Calorimeter?

The value of heat capacity of Calorimeter is 25 J/°C.



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