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What is Nuclear Fission? Definition, Pros and Cons


Atomic nuclei are broken up into smaller nuclei by the process of nuclear fission, which results in a significant release of energy. Whenever chain reactions in reactors are managed, nuclear fission can assist humanity in meeting its energy needs. We now get an average of 85% of our electricity from nuclear power. But if this process is allowed to continue uncontrolled, it develops into a strong and destructive force. The appearance of a mushroom cloud, a terrifying reminder of the atomic bomb’s destructive power and the fission process itself, signals the explosion of so-called atom bombs.

Types of Nuclear Fission

Induced Fission

Fission can be brought about by exposing a heavy metal to neutron bombardment. Of course, various elements and isotopes react differently. Though some, like uranium-238, are easily fissionable, others, like uranium-235, only react when exposed to slow neutrons. Some, like Thorium-232, gradually decompose into isotopes that will fission.

Spontaneous Fission

Although it’s uncommon, some heavy elements can spontaneously fission. Most decompose gradually, with half-lives of a few weeks or years. For example, the half-life of plutonium-238 is 87.7 years.

The Amount of Energy Released During Fission

Nuclear fission occurs when a massive nuclei is split into more stable forms, releasing energy. We can see that uranium does have a binding energy of roughly 7.8 MeV per nucleon, but that as it decays, it gives out elements with binding energies of up to 8.8 MeV. In this method, we can see that around 1 MeV of energy is emitted per nucleon during fusion. Because all of the isotopes of uranium fall within the 235 range, the energy produced by uranium fission is roughly 235 MeV per atom.

Nuclear Fission Reactor

The reactor’s primary function is to manage and contain released energy. Uranium serves as the reactor’s nuclear fuel. Ceramic pellets are used to process the uranium, and the finished product is enclosed inside fuel rods, which are metal tubes. Typically, a fuel assembly is made up of around 200 of these rods. It is referred to as the core when 100 units are put together.

The reactor uses water to cool the fuel rods and act as a moderator. The moderator’s task is to control the chain reaction by slowing the fission-generated neutrons. Control rods can be withdrawn from the reactor core to speed up reactions or inserted to slow them down. Such reactions generate heat by turning water into steam, which is turned by turbines into carbon-free energy.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Nuclear Fission


More than 10% of the electricity used on Earth today is produced by nuclear fission. This energy source is used in some capacity by more than 30 countries to produce the energy required to support modern living.

You must use fossil fuels to provide a variety of conventional power generation methods. This combustion emits gases and particles into the air, which have the potential to be toxic. Nuclear fission, instead of combustion, effectively eliminates issues with global warming and air quality.

The present power-generating nuclear fission reactors are made to last 30 to 50 years. With the ability to extract and process more, we also have enough uranium in reserves around the world to provide energy needs for another century.


The basis for affordable and sustainable energy can be nuclear fission. It may also serve as the basis for deadly weapons which cause large numbers of casualties. Up to 226,000 people were murdered in more than 4 months by atomic bombs launched on Japan, which share the same fission reaction. The majority of those fatalities happened on the same day.

Nuclear fission can produce energy that burns cleanly, but the radioactive waste it produces can have serious negative environmental effects. Toxic waste dumps can harm a region’s ecosystem for hundreds of years if not properly disposed of.

Long after radiation from a nuclear fission reaction or a waste product from energy generation occurs, cancers and other health issues might arise. Some malignancies can be challenging to treat or take three to four decades to grow.

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What is Nuclear Fission? FAQs

Explain nuclear fission. 

A bigger atom undergoes fission whenever a neutron smashes into it, causing it to excite and split into two smaller atoms, also referred to as fission products. Chain reactions could be started by other neutrons, which are also released. An enormous quantity of energy is produced when each atom divides.

How do nuclear fission and fusion differ?

Fusion is the process where two light nuclei fuse to release enormous amounts of energy, while fission is breaking a heavy, unstable nucleus into two lighter nuclei. The past, present, and future of energy creation are all significantly impacted by the two processes, despite their differences.

What is the purpose of nuclear fission?

Electricity can be produced using nuclear energy, but it must first be released from the atom. Atoms are divided during nuclear fission to unleash that energy. A collection of devices that can manage nuclear fission to generate electricity is known as a nuclear reactor and power plant.

What everyday use does nuclear fission have?

Nuclear power is one of the main uses for nuclear fission. Nuclear fission is used to produce heat in nuclear power plants. They use this heat to transform water into steam, which powers electrical generators. Nuclear power facilities produce about 20% of the electricity in the United States while in India its about 3.2%.

What is the nuclear fission process?

A bigger atom undergoes fission when a neutron smashes into it, causing it to excite and split into two smaller atoms, often referred to as fission products. A chain reaction may be started by other neutrons, which are also released. A great quantity of energy is produced when each atom divides.




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