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Derivation Of Schrodinger Wave Equation

The Schrodinger equation is a mathematical formula that describes how the wave function of a physical system changes over time. It is a fundamental concept in quantum mechanics and is used to calculate the probability of finding a particle at a particular location in space at a given time.

The Schrodinger equation is typically written as

where is the reduced Planck constant, is the wave function of the system, is time, and is the Hamiltonian operator, which represents the total energy of the system.

The Schrodinger equation is a partial differential equation, which describes how the wave function changes in space and time. It is used to determine the allowed energy levels and corresponding wave functions of a quantum system. By solving the Schrodinger equation, we can predict the behavior of particles in a variety of physical systems, including atoms, molecules, and solid-state materials.


The Schrodinger wave equation is a fundamental equation in quantum mechanics that describes how the wave function of a physical system changes over time. It was first introduced by the Austrian physicist Erwin Schrodinger in . It is one of the two equivalent formulations of quantum mechanics, the other being the matrix mechanics developed by Werner Heisenberg.

  • The Schrodinger equation plays a crucial role in modern physics and is used to describe a wide range of physical phenomena, from the behavior of atoms and molecules to the properties of superconducting materials and the behavior of the early universe.

In this article, we will derive the Schrodinger wave equation step by step, beginning with the basic principles of quantum mechanics and building up to the final equation.

Characteristics Schrodinger Wave Equation

The Schrödinger wave equation is a fundamental equation in quantum mechanics that describes how the wave function of a physical system changes over time. Some characteristics of the Schrödinger wave equation include:

  1. It is a partial differential equation that describes the behavior of a quantum mechanical system.
  2. The wave function that solves the equation describes the probability of finding a particle in a certain location and with a certain momentum.
  3. The equation is linear, meaning that it satisfies the principle of superposition. This allows for the construction of wave functions that are a combination of simpler wave functions.
  4. The equation is time-dependent, meaning that the wave function changes over time. The time evolution of the wave function is governed by the Hamiltonian operator, which describes the total energy of the system.
  5. The Schrödinger equation can be solved analytically for some simple systems, but in general, numerical methods must be used to find solutions.
  6. The equation is fundamental to understanding the behavior of atomic and subatomic particles, and it has important applications in chemistry, materials science, and many other fields.

Principles of Quantum Mechanics

Quantum mechanics is a part of physics that arrangements the way of behaving of issues and energy at the nuclear and subatomic levels. It was developed in the early century to explain a wide range of phenomena that classical physics could not account for, including the behavior of electrons in atoms and the properties of light.

The basic principles of quantum mechanics are based on two key concepts: wave-particle duality and the uncertainty principle.

  • Wave-Particle Duality

One of the most important concepts in quantum mechanics is wave-particle duality, which states that matter and energy can exhibit both wave-like and particle-like behavior.

This means that subatomic particles, such as electrons and photons, can be described as both waves and particles.

This concept is important because it means that the behavior of subatomic particles cannot be described using classical physics, which only deals with macroscopic objects that exhibit purely particle-like behavior.

  • The Uncertainty Principle

The uncertainty principle is another important concept in quantum mechanics, which states that it is impossible to simultaneously measure specific physical quantities, such as the position and momentum of a particle, with arbitrary precision.

This means that the more precisely the position of a particle is measured, the less precisely its momentum can be measured, and vice versa.

This principle is important because it places fundamental limits on the precision with which specific physical quantities can be measured, and has important implications for the behavior of subatomic particles.

Derivation of the Schrodinger Wave Equation

The Schrodinger wave equation is derived from the principles of quantum mechanics and is used to describe the evolution of the wave function of a physical system over time.

  • The wave function is a mathematical function that describes the probability of finding a particle in a particular state, such as a particular position or momentum. It is a complex-valued function that can be used to calculate the probability distribution of a particle in space and time.

To derive the Schrodinger wave equation, we begin with the Hamiltonian operator, which is a mathematical operator that describes the total energy of a system. The Hamiltonian operator is given by:

Where is the Hamiltonian operator, is the kinetic energy operator, and is the potential energy operator.

The kinetic energy operator is given by:

Where is the reduced Planck constant, , is the mass of the particle, and is the Laplacian operator.

The potential energy operator is given by:

Where is the potential energy function that depends on the position of the particle.

Next, we introduce the wave function , which is a complex-valued function that describes the probability distribution of a particle in space and time. The wave function is given by:

Where is the wave function and are the position and time variables, respectively.

Using the Hamiltonian operator and the wave function, we can write the time-dependent Schrodinger equation as

Where is the imaginary unit, is the reduced Planck constant, and represents the partial derivative concerning time.

This equation describes how the wave function of a physical system changes over time and is the fundamental equation of quantum mechanics.

To solve the Schrodinger equation, we can separate the time-dependent and time-independent parts of the wave function by writing:

Where is the energy of the particle, and is the spatial wave function.

Substituting this expression into the time-dependent Schrodinger equation, we obtain

Dividing both sides by , we obtain the time-independent Schrodinger equation:

Where is the Hamiltonian operator, is the spatial wave function, and is the energy of the particle.

This equation describes the energy of the particle in terms of the spatial wave function and is used to calculate the probability distribution of the particle in space.

Schrodinger Wave Equation Benefits

The Schrodinger wave equation has several benefits and applications in the field of physics and chemistry. The following are part of the key benefits:

  1. Accurate description of quantum systems:

The Schrodinger wave equation is a fundamental equation of quantum mechanics and provides an accurate description of the behavior of quantum systems.

By solving the equation, we can determine the allowed energy levels and corresponding wave functions of particles in a variety of physical systems.

  1. Predictive power:

The Schrodinger wave equation allows us to predict the behavior of quantum systems in a variety of contexts, including atoms, molecules, and solid-state materials. By calculating the wave function, we can determine the probability of finding a particle at a specific location in space at a given time.

  1. The basis for quantum chemistry:

The Schrodinger wave equation is the basis for quantum chemistry, which is a field of chemistry that uses quantum mechanics to study the properties of molecules and chemical reactions. Quantum chemistry has many practical applications, including drug design and materials science.

  1. Allows for the development of new technology:

The Schrodinger wave equation has played a crucial role in the development of modern technology, including semiconductor electronics and laser technology.

By understanding the behavior of particles on the quantum level, we can design and develop new materials and technologies with specific properties and functions.


The Schrödinger wave equation is of crucial importance in quantum mechanics as it provides a mathematical framework for understanding the behavior of particles at the atomic and subatomic levels.

  1. The equation enables us to calculate the wave function of a system, which describes the probability of finding a particle in a particular location and with a certain momentum. This allows us to predict the behavior of particles in various physical scenarios, such as particle interactions or energy transitions.
  2. The Schrödinger equation plays a crucial role in the development of quantum mechanics, as it allowed the prediction and explanation of the behavior of atoms and molecules, which cannot be explained by classical mechanics.
  3. The equation has led to important technological advancements, such as the development of semiconductor devices, transistors, lasers, and quantum computing, which all rely on the principles of quantum mechanics.
  4. The Schrödinger equation has also helped us gain a deeper understanding of fundamental physics, such as the properties of particles and the nature of energy and matter.

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Derivation Of Schrodinger Wave Equation FAQs

What is the Schrodinger wave equation?

The Schrodinger wave equation is a fundamental equation in quantum mechanics that describes how the wave function of a physical system changes over time.

Who derived the Schrodinger wave equation?

The Schrodinger wave equation was first derived by the Austrian physicist Erwin Schrodinger in .

What are the basic principles of quantum mechanics?

The basic principles of quantum mechanics are based on two key concepts: wave-particle duality and the uncertainty principle.

What is wave-particle duality?

Wave-particle duality is the concept that matter and energy can exhibit both wave-like and particle-like behavior.

What is the uncertainty principle?

The uncertainty principle is the principle that it is impossible to simultaneously measure specific physical quantities, such as the position and momentum of a particle, with arbitrary precision.



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