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Unit of Conductivity


Conductivity is a term that is applied to a diversity of physical phenomena. Conductivity thus can be referred to as that specific conductance that measures the water’s capability to be able to conduct an electric current.

Unit of conductivity refers to measuring the frequency of flow or passing of heat or current through any object. Thus, a conductor is termed as anything through which electricity passes. Siemens per meter (S/m) is the standard measure for conductance. The conductivity of anything depends upon the charged particles or the number of ions in the water.

The formula is represented by a geek letter σ, that is, σ = 1/ρ.

In this formula, ρ stands for the resistivity of an object, whereas σ stands for the reciprocal resistivity of an object.

Define the unit of conductivity

Every electronic item has a channel that enables them to move the current through them. Therefore, conductivity can be defined as anything that enables a material’s ability to conduct heat or electricity through a conductor.

The SI unit of electrical conductivity and thermal conductivity are s/m which is Siemens per metre and W/m.K which is watts per meter-kelvin, respectively.

Moreover, conductance and resistance are reciprocal. So, one Siemens is equal to that of the reciprocal of one Ohm. Ernst Werner Von Siemens is the person from whose name SI unit for conductance name is derived and is denoted by ‘S’ at the 14th general conference in 1971.

What do you mean by conductivity?

As we know the term conductivity to a diversified variety of physical phenomena. In the case of sound, the neck of a resonator or orifice is the ratio of the area or surface to the length of the orifice is the conductivity. In the case of heat, the amount or quantity of heat that passes per second in between the slab of the unit cross-sectional area and when the temperature gradient in the middle of the two faces is unity is conductivity.

Conductivity thus is that specific conductance that measures the water’s capability to be able to conduct an electric current. It depends upon the charged particles or the number of ions in the water.

It is possible to divide them into two categories because of the difficulty or ease of the flow of electrical current amidst the liquids. These two broad categories are electrolytes and the other one is nonelectrolytes. Resistance is the opposition to the flow of electricity and ohms are the units in which it is measured. Those substances that have high conductivity and low resistance can pass electricity easily.

What are electrical conductivity and resistivity?

Electrical resistivity and electrical conductivity are very significant properties of materials. Electrical conductivity or specific conductance is expressed as the ratio of the current density to that of the strength of the electric field. Siemens per meter or we can say s/m is the SI unit of it that is represented by ‘σ’.

Moreover, it is based on electrical transport properties or elements. Electrical conductivity and electrical resistivity are opposite or we can say inversely proportional to each other.

Electrical resistivity is when the flow of current is restricted by the estimation of the potential of the material. The resistivity depends upon several things like the nature of the material, the area of the material, and the length of the conductor. It is represented by ρ and the SI unit is Ωm or Ohm-meters.

Thus, electrical resistivity measures how much the flow of electricity is being resisted whereas, in conductivity, how easily or conveniently electricity flows is measured. Resistivity and resistance are also not the same things because resistance depends on shape or size, whereas resistivity doesn’t.

R = V/I is the equation of resistance where R stands for resistance (measured in Ω), whereas I measures its units and current in amps or ‘A’ and V (Voltage) is measured in ‘volts’.

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Unit of Conductivity FAQs

Explain the SI unit of conductivity in Ohm.

Conductivity of a material refers to the measure through which heat or an electric charge can pass at ease through a material. Specific conductance or electrical conductivity is denoted with the help of the symbol ‘σ’ and the SI unit of conductivity is Ω-1m-1 or S/m (Siemens per meter).

Define a conductor.

A conductor (electronic conductor) refers to a substance that permits electricity to flow or pass through it. Electrons and ions can move easily or conveniently from atom to atom when the voltage is applied (electrical charge carries) in a conductor. Conductor refers to substances that have high conductivity and non-conductors refer to those substances that have low conductivity. 

Name the CGS unit of conductivity.

The CGS unit of conductivity is mechanical ohm or dyne-s/cm.

What do you mean by conductance and conductivity?

Conductance and resistance are inversely proportional whereas conductivity and resistivity are inversely proportional to each other. The measure of how easily a current can flow or pass through a substance is called conductance. On the other hand, a property of a substance that tells us how easily current will be able to pass or flow through it.

What is the universally recognised SI unit of electric conductance?

Siemens (S)

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